Ты "не равно" - твоя память. Ты "равно" - твои мечты.
Админ сайта Mischief Managed (просто наиофигеннейшего ресурса по близняшкам)
запостила вот это у себя.
Would anyone be interested in mantaining Mischief Makers, by the way? I am not putting the clique up for adoption, but I feel bad for neglecting it like I've been doing. I've been meaning to make a new layout and more link buttons for it for I don't know how long, but I just don't have the time to do it right now.
A good knowledge of HTML and a basic understanding of PHP are required, as well as some graphics skill; experience in running a fanlisting/clique would also be brilliant but it isn't mandatory. Love for Fred and George is however very mandatory, so keep that in mind if you plan on applying. Then again, I doubt you would visit this site at all if you didn't.
If you're interested drop me a line at [email protected], provide me with an HTML example and I'll get back to you. Thanks!
идеи есть?
запостила вот это у себя.
Would anyone be interested in mantaining Mischief Makers, by the way? I am not putting the clique up for adoption, but I feel bad for neglecting it like I've been doing. I've been meaning to make a new layout and more link buttons for it for I don't know how long, but I just don't have the time to do it right now.
A good knowledge of HTML and a basic understanding of PHP are required, as well as some graphics skill; experience in running a fanlisting/clique would also be brilliant but it isn't mandatory. Love for Fred and George is however very mandatory, so keep that in mind if you plan on applying. Then again, I doubt you would visit this site at all if you didn't.
If you're interested drop me a line at [email protected], provide me with an HTML example and I'll get back to you. Thanks!
идеи есть?
я вот сама парюсь, кто мне бы чего с близняшками забацал, а то они уже давно побывали и темненькими, и опять рыжие, а у меня диз годичной давности висит %((
эй... но если у тебя много свободного времени и безграничная любофф к близнецам, лучше уж поддержи отечественного производителя, а то я в универе зашиваюсь... и сайт обновлять почти времени нет http://twins.potterfilmru.net